After a jaunt up to XtC, and some conversations about preparations for XPDay 2007, I finally made it down to the Brighton Bloggers Meetup organised by Jane. Although I arrived at the tail-end* of the night it was obvious that the turn-out had been impressive. It was lovely to realise how much the list had grown since back-in-the-day when I produced it (as Jane reminded me - it had perhaps 20 sites on it max), but also nice to see how many people were still around years later.
It was a wonderful thing on her part to take on keeping track of this community and keep a living record. I am looking forward to the next meet-up whenever it may be. Next time I may even manage to turn up on time.
(Oh and happy fifth anniversary to Esther.)
* I always thought it should be tale-end as that's when the best stories get told...